




联 系 人 :陈建 联系电话:13916687724


上海赛璞印刷有限公司是一个以客户为中心,追求卓越品质的广告设计印刷企业,提供从广告设计到印刷成品的一站式全程服务。为您提供企业样本、期刊杂志、手提袋、封套、产品包装、彩页、海报、文件夹、楼书、菜谱、精装卡书、画册、笔记本、台历、挂历、无碳复写、信纸信封、不干胶、贺卡等纸制品的设计印刷服务。赛璞成立至今一直致力于广告设计及印刷事业的发展,以专业的团队协作精神,以客户为本、以不断追求产品的质量、为开创一个全新的商务印刷和广告设计时代而努力着。赛璞以“专业、价值”为品牌定位;以积极热情并具专业水准的设计和优良的印刷技艺竭诚为企业服务。同时公司配备了多台海德堡印刷机、照排机、数码打样机及覆膜机、折页机、装订机、裱糊机、烫金机、UV上光机、自动模切机等全配后道设备,可满足大批量生产的需求。成为企业广告设计印刷服务供应商的佳选择Customer-oriented, we are an ad design printing enterprise pursuing outstanding quality and providing full course services from ad design to finished press products.In addition, we can offer you paper product design and press services such as enterprise sample, periodical, magazine, handbag, cover, product package, color page, post, fold, building brochure, menu, clothbound book, picture album, notebook, desk calendar, wall calendar, carbonless copy paper, letter pad, envelope, adhesive glue, greeting card, etc.Since foundation up to now, Shanghai Simer Press Co., Ltd. has been making every effort to the development of ad design and press, adhering to the spirits of professional team cooperation, customer-orientation, continuous pursuance of product quality and creation of a brand new commercial printing and ad design era.Simer has been earnestly providing services for enterprises with the brand position of “profession and value”, active enthusiasm and professional design and elaboration capacity.Meanwhile, the Company has possessed full sets of post-procedure equipment including Heidelberg press, phototype-setting machine, digital proof press, laminating machine, folder, binder, pasting machine, hot stamping machine, UV glazing machine, and auto die cutter so as to meet the re of batch production.

上海赛璞印刷技术有限公司 所提供的公司介绍、产品信息等相关信息均有上海赛璞印刷技术有限公司自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由上海赛璞印刷技术有限公司完全承担,全天候商务网对此不承担任何保证责任。